Religion in the world of Merceria
Creation Myth
The world was created by the Gods, and when they were done, there were animals and plants, mountains and seas. The Gods, looking down as their creation, were proud of their accomplishment and saw, over many millennia, how creatures from the sea grew legs and learned to use tools. These were the Saurians, the first race. Beholding the achievements of this race, the Gods decided to create their own, and so it was that Gundar, the God of the Mountains, created the Dwarves and taught them how to mine the rock. Tauril, the Goddess of the Trees created the Elves and gave them the gift of eternal life, to tend to her trees and protect them. Haldur, the smith, taught them to fashion steel. But Hraka, God of Fire, created his race, the Orcs, and they stole the secret of steel from the Elves and Dwarves. A great war ensued and Saxnor watched. He identified the weaknesses of the old races and created Humans to overcome their restrictions. Thus is how Humans were created.
The Gods of the Mercerian World
The Greater Gods (sometimes called the Creator Gods)
Mercerian Religion
In Merceria, founded by mercenaries, the deity is called Saxnor, the father of all battles and God of strength. It is believed that he led them to their new land. Strength, in this case, can be taken to mean physical strength or military strength, but can also be interpreted as strength of character.
The church, as it exists in the time of the stories, had evolved from prophets to an organized hierarchy. As Merceria was settled and cities grew, so grew their religion. The church is organized along a quasi-military hierarchy. Holy Brothers/Sisters form the lowest level. They work in churches, etc. Above them come the Holy Fathers/Mothers. These give services, run churches/temples etc. A region would be overseen by a Bishop, typically only one per large city. The top of the church is an Arch-Bishop or Bishop-Supreme.
In very small villages (under 500) they can be given special dispensation to administer rights and perform ceremonies including burial, weddings etc.
Church and the Sexes
Merceria was initially settled by mercenaries, both men and women. As such they have always had their share of women leaders. Though rare, they are not unknown. Women are primarily seen as homemakers, but many become business owners among the middle class. There have been church members over the years that have been women, but few have advanced higher than Holy Mother. In the history of the church two females have risen to be Bishops over the years, though both were dead long before the current stories started. There has never been a female Bishop Supreme.
Belief System for the Average Mercerian
Corruption and the Church
Though advancement in the church is typically by merit, this has often been overlooked by paying a gratuity. These bribes have become a common way to advance in the church hierarchy and bring much-needed funds to the organization. There have been complaints over the years that the leaders of the church have used much of the gained wealth for personal profit. In the 600’s this was carried to extremes, and the crown stepped in to put an end to it. Today the practice continues to a small degree, but the amount profited is kept to a modest amount. If a Holy Member is found to be living in luxury, it is a sure sign of corruption and fear of the crown interceding once again is enough of a threat to keep it under control.
Financial Support
The church charges for its services. This typically involves coin, though very often in smaller communities the payment is in goods. Services considered important are marriage, burial and initiation, a rite of passage when a young person is considered old enough to become a warrior. Initiation typically occurs shortly after puberty hits. This event, along with weddings, is typically seen as a time of extravagance and is a mark of prestige. The more opulent the ceremony, the greater the influence in their future, they are, in effect, bribing the Gods to provide for their future. Also, the more money spent, the more important you are seen to be. The same is true of funerals, the more important the figure, the more lavish the funeral. When King Edward buried his wife in 862, the funeral was so lavish as to almost bankrupt the kingdom.
There are some other blessings that can be performed. Blessings are quite common and can involve blessing a cow to produce more milk, blessings for crops etc. It is common for the middle class to pay for a blessing when passing a business to their sons/daughters. Some soldiers go so far as to have their weapons and armour blessed to give them strength in battle.
Religion of other races and regions
Mercerian sayings related to religion
The world was created by the Gods, and when they were done, there were animals and plants, mountains and seas. The Gods, looking down as their creation, were proud of their accomplishment and saw, over many millennia, how creatures from the sea grew legs and learned to use tools. These were the Saurians, the first race. Beholding the achievements of this race, the Gods decided to create their own, and so it was that Gundar, the God of the Mountains, created the Dwarves and taught them how to mine the rock. Tauril, the Goddess of the Trees created the Elves and gave them the gift of eternal life, to tend to her trees and protect them. Haldur, the smith, taught them to fashion steel. But Hraka, God of Fire, created his race, the Orcs, and they stole the secret of steel from the Elves and Dwarves. A great war ensued and Saxnor watched. He identified the weaknesses of the old races and created Humans to overcome their restrictions. Thus is how Humans were created.
The Gods of the Mercerian World
The Greater Gods (sometimes called the Creator Gods)
- Saxnor: God of Strength and creator of the Humans
- Gundar: God of the Earth and creator of the Dwarves
- Tauril: Goddess of the Woods and creator of the Elves
- Haldur: God of Smiths and Metalworking
- Hraka: God of Fire and creator of the Orcs
- Malin: God of Wisdom
- Boondar: God of Thunder
- Erylor: Goddess of Fertility
- Typhon: God of the Hunt
- Achosia: Goddess of Water
- Pherus: God of the underworld
Mercerian Religion
In Merceria, founded by mercenaries, the deity is called Saxnor, the father of all battles and God of strength. It is believed that he led them to their new land. Strength, in this case, can be taken to mean physical strength or military strength, but can also be interpreted as strength of character.
The church, as it exists in the time of the stories, had evolved from prophets to an organized hierarchy. As Merceria was settled and cities grew, so grew their religion. The church is organized along a quasi-military hierarchy. Holy Brothers/Sisters form the lowest level. They work in churches, etc. Above them come the Holy Fathers/Mothers. These give services, run churches/temples etc. A region would be overseen by a Bishop, typically only one per large city. The top of the church is an Arch-Bishop or Bishop-Supreme.
- Bishop-Supreme: One in all Merceria
- Bishop: One each in Wincaster, Shrewesdale, Eastwood, Kingsford, Colbridge, (though the Colbridge seat has been absent for years)
- Holy Father/Mother: Each town with more than 500 people typically has a Holy Father or Mother
- Holy Brother/Sister: These are found scattered throughout the kingdom, often assisting a Holy Father/Mother or higher.
In very small villages (under 500) they can be given special dispensation to administer rights and perform ceremonies including burial, weddings etc.
Church and the Sexes
Merceria was initially settled by mercenaries, both men and women. As such they have always had their share of women leaders. Though rare, they are not unknown. Women are primarily seen as homemakers, but many become business owners among the middle class. There have been church members over the years that have been women, but few have advanced higher than Holy Mother. In the history of the church two females have risen to be Bishops over the years, though both were dead long before the current stories started. There has never been a female Bishop Supreme.
Belief System for the Average Mercerian
- The average Mercerian is not overtly religious. Most will occasionally attend regular service, but it is more common to come together for special occasions such as the midwinter solstice. The two main ceremonies are the midwinter and fall harvest; these two occasions involve more religion as they are giving thanks for their crop and the new year.
- Religious leaders in Merceria do not have the type of political power seen in earth's history. This is mainly due to the nature of Mercerian society, which sees reliance on others as a weakness (in the same way that strength is seen as a virtue).
- Though the common Mercerian follows Saxnor, they still believe in the ‘Old Gods’ sometimes called the ‘Other Gods’. There is no talk of a prophet in Mercerian religion. The belief is that Saxnor created Man after creating the other, flawed races. Anyone can worship Saxnor, even other races, as it is believed that anyone can elevate themselves by making themselves strong.
- The warrior culture of Merceria spreads to death. It is believed that one should be strong in the face of death. If one is strong, they will elevate to the Spirit Realm to dwell with Saxnor, in this way the dying must be seen to be strong of spirit. If they are weak, they will be sent to the Underworld and be forever blocked from entering the Afterlife. This usually results in one trying to be stoic in death and ready to meet Saxnor.
- It is not unknown to have people silently pray to other Gods on occasion, such as the Elven Goddess of Fertility when trying to get pregnant. This is perfectly acceptable to the church so long as Saxnor is seen as the Supreme God. It is not uncommon for a Dwarf or Elf to swear ‘by the Gods’, but a Mercerian would never do this, they would swear ‘by Gods sake’, in this case indicating Saxnor, the Supreme God.
Corruption and the Church
Though advancement in the church is typically by merit, this has often been overlooked by paying a gratuity. These bribes have become a common way to advance in the church hierarchy and bring much-needed funds to the organization. There have been complaints over the years that the leaders of the church have used much of the gained wealth for personal profit. In the 600’s this was carried to extremes, and the crown stepped in to put an end to it. Today the practice continues to a small degree, but the amount profited is kept to a modest amount. If a Holy Member is found to be living in luxury, it is a sure sign of corruption and fear of the crown interceding once again is enough of a threat to keep it under control.
Financial Support
The church charges for its services. This typically involves coin, though very often in smaller communities the payment is in goods. Services considered important are marriage, burial and initiation, a rite of passage when a young person is considered old enough to become a warrior. Initiation typically occurs shortly after puberty hits. This event, along with weddings, is typically seen as a time of extravagance and is a mark of prestige. The more opulent the ceremony, the greater the influence in their future, they are, in effect, bribing the Gods to provide for their future. Also, the more money spent, the more important you are seen to be. The same is true of funerals, the more important the figure, the more lavish the funeral. When King Edward buried his wife in 862, the funeral was so lavish as to almost bankrupt the kingdom.
There are some other blessings that can be performed. Blessings are quite common and can involve blessing a cow to produce more milk, blessings for crops etc. It is common for the middle class to pay for a blessing when passing a business to their sons/daughters. Some soldiers go so far as to have their weapons and armour blessed to give them strength in battle.
Religion of other races and regions
- Merciera: Worship Saxnor, God of Strength. Merceria was founded by Mercenaries fleeing a bad employer. After unsuccessfully attacking Weldwyn, they fled east, founding their cities in what is now Merceria. They were the first Humans to inhabit the land.
- Westland (Weldwyn): Worship Malin, the God of Wisdom, who warned Haldur not to arm the Elves and Dwarves. This religion was heavily influenced by the founder of Westland, King Alric. He unified the cities to form the kingdom and fought a titanic battle where his lifelong friend, the mage Weldwyn, was slain. He remembered the wisdom of his friend and ordained that wisdom must prevail to unite the kingdom and keep the peace. Weldwyn is older than Merceria, but only by some two hundred years. The kingdom has been relatively peaceful, internally, since it’s founding. No plots have ever overthrown the crown, though some have been attempted. They have, however, had problems with their borders, but that is another story.
- Dwarves: Worship two Gods. A large number will worship their father, Gundar, who, it is said, created them. More recently, however, groups are turning to Haldur, the God of smiths and metalworking.
- Elves: Worship Tauril, the Earth Mother, sometimes referred to as the Goddess of the Trees. Their customs and ceremonies are never discussed with outsiders though it is common, in cities, for elves to have a small statue or carving dedicated to the earth mother. It is always made of wood.
- Orcs: The Orcs worship Hraka, God of Fire. He gave them the gift of fire and when the Elves and Dwarves stole it from them, igniting wars which lasted for generations. In this region, the Orcs once had a civilization with cities. These cities were sacked by the Elves, driving the Orcs into the hills. Today the Orcs have degenerated culturally but still worship Hraka. They have a very strong religion, and their shamans are all capable of using magic, primarily of the healing type. Some few have transcended the mortal realm and can walk with the Gods (spirit walk).
- Saurians: Little is known of this ancient race. They died out long before the ascension of man. Their religious beliefs are unknown, though they are said to be the first race and the first to build temples.
Mercerian sayings related to religion
- “By Saxnor’s beard!” General curse.
- “By Saxnor’s balls!.” General curse.
- “By the God's own fury.” General curse.
- “Saxnor give me strength.” A request for a blessing.
- “Die well.” A plea to die with strength or dignity.